Juxtaprise Poetry Workshop
with Laura Deal
Play Around with Poetry
Poetry doesn’t have to have rhythm or rhyme, but effective poetry often uses metaphor. In this workshop, we will use words chosen at random to get into a fun, creative space and play with various structures to create poems. Laura calls this creative dance with chance Juxtaprise. Materials provided, or participants may bring a journal and favorite writing tool.
What's Included:
- Discussion of poetic elements and forms
- Explanation of the playful process of Juxtaprise
- Access to a rich collection of materials for prompts
- Time to explore the juxtapositions and surprises the prompts provide
With the focus on fun, participants use prompts to bypass their inner critics and allow new and unexpected metaphors and poetry to emerge. Laura brings a compassionate and playful approach to her workshops, encouraging participants without criticism, and welcoming authentic self-expression.
What People Are Saying
“This was so much fun. The exercises were creative and stimulating. Laura established a safe haven for sharing our work with one another. I was surprised at how much depth I could get out of a simple exercise.”
Thank you Laura.”
Thank you Laura.”

“I’ve never considered myself a writer—this was fun and Laura’s activities and prompts made ideas flow easily. Great class to do with friends!”

“Laura offers a good class, the space is warm and open, the exercises were fun and safe. I felt the feedback was encouraging and the group of us all enjoyed ourselves.”