I’m absolutely delighted to be sharing a whopper at the tenth Good Liars Club show on November 14, 2023! Join us if you can for a wonderful evening of stories–or make a donation to receive a link to watch a recording afterwards! It’ll be fun–and that’s no lie!
Live on Zoom, Anne & Norm present: The Good Liars Club X
Tues Nov 14
4pm AKST / 5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST/ 8pm EST
Ingrid Nixon, Norm Brecke, Laura Deal, Jeff Doyle, Tobey Anderson and Sam Smith stretch the truth ’til it chortles, with MC Anne Rutherford. This is the tenth performance of this popular online lie & tall-tale swapping event. Join us for some good-natured fun!
Free Registration: https://tinyurl.com/GoodLiarsClubX/
Support the tellers — donors get a link to watch a recording of the show on demand afterwards.